Edeline Lee: An Ode to London

Edeline Lee’s SS17 collection started as a reflection of London, an ode to a city where stories are born and creativity is enhanced. Post-Brexit inspired, Lee looked at the ability to co-exist with people of all backgrounds and thrive together, looking at everyday moments which also played a part in the creation of the collection.

Featuring three-dimentional cotton Startooth, wool crepe, canvas and Flou Bubble Jacquard in Blacks, Reds, Blues, Greens and Yellows to name a few, the collection communicated a luxurious and colloquial feel with minimalist connotations. Colours were bold, shapes dynamic and featured London textures such as the scaffolding of a construction site, Neoclassical stones in Mayfair and the façade of Vogue House, as backdrops. The juxtaposition of these exterior scenes and the interior walls of the Elm Lesters Painting Galleries provided a poetic environment for the models and it was interesting to wander through this uniquely created utopian city.
